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André Becker is 2021/2022’s second recipient of a Summer Research Scholarship funded by the Braemar Trust

André Becker is 2021/2022’s second recipient of a Summer Research Scholarship funded by the Braemar Trust. The question André is posing, and will aim to answer by the end of the summer, is “What are the unmet needs in Waikato children with Otitis Media?”

Otitis Media is a medical condition involving infection and/or inflammation in the middle ear. Serious cases can result in the use of grommets or surgical interventions, though fortunately these measures can often be avoided.

André’s research will involve a series of studies using patient records of children aged 1-14 years from an Otorohanga medical practice. These records will inform researchers on the treatment plans of patients, and address where gaps exist for children being treated for Otitis Media. Hospital pathways will also be assessed to round out the data.

André and his team will also seek to establish if and in what ways, treatment differs between Māori and non-Māori patients, and how any potential health inequity can be addressed.


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