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Bachelor of Nursing Scholarship recipient, Katina Hovind-Marx

Katrina Hovind-Marx is the second recipient of the University of Waikato Bachelor of Nursing Scholarship. Katrina told us that she has “always had a passion for health and knew that becoming a registered nurse was what I wanted to do. Coming from the small community of Otorohanga, I have seen first-hand the barriers some face to receiving health care. I am excited to enter the workforce as a registered nurse to tackle these challenges of eliminating those barriers to health and making a positive impact within my community.”

 In her application, Katrina also spoke of how the opportunity of being “placed within my own community was extremely special to me, as it allowed me to create relationships with patients from my hometown”. Braemar Charitable Trust Manager, Paula Baker said “the panel was really impressed with Katrina’s commitment and desire to work within her community and the strong relationships she had formed as part of her placement with the team of Te Kuiti district nurses, who cover a large area from Piopio, Te Kuiti and Ōtorohanga. We are looking forward to providing Katrina with additional opportunities to broaden her knowledge and skills, either through an internship at Braemar Hospital or with one of our community partners”.   

 Karina says she is " I am very grateful for the support and opportunities Braemar charitable trust has given me with this scholarship”. We are really pleased that we are able to help provide resources and support to assist Katrina further her career and know that given her community focus, Katrina will a fantastic asset to the health sector in the future. 


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